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How To Fix Washing Machine Leaves Lint On Clothes

Do you hate it when your clothes come from the washing machine covered in lint? It can be frustrating when the washing machine leaves lint on clothes. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. We’ll show you how to fix a washing machine that leaves lint on clothes.

With our help, you’ll be able to get your washing machine fixed, and your clothes will be lint-free in no time. Follow the steps below to fix a washing machine that leaves lint on clothes.

Washing Machine Leaves Lint On Clothes: Causes And Solutions

If your washing machine leaves lint on your clothes, you’re not alone. This is a common problem that a variety of factors can cause. This part will explore some of the most common causes of this issue and offer solutions to help you fix it. There are many common causes of this problem. If you are using a powder detergent, it can collect lint.

To solve this problem, switch to a liquid detergent and make sure you dissolve it thoroughly before adding clothes. You may also try a different detergent brand to see if that makes a difference. Another common cause of this problem is overloading your washing machine. When you overload the device, it doesn’t have enough room to circulate the water and clothes properly.

This can lead to lint being left behind on your clothes. Don’t overload your machine, and make sure the load is evenly distributed to fix this. If your washing machine has a lint filter, it’s essential to clean it regularly. A clogged lint filter can cause lint to build upon your clothes. To clean the filter, simply remove it and rinse it with water.

You should also clean out the lint trap in your dryer regularly to prevent this problem from happening. Finally, if your washing machine leaves lint on your clothes, it’s probably time to clean the device itself. Over time, detergent residue and lint can build up inside the machine, causing this problem. Simply run it on an empty cycle with hot water and vinegar to clean your washing machine.

This will help to remove any built-up residue and lint. If your washing machine leaves lint on your clothes, try one of these solutions to fix the problem. With troubleshooting, you can get your device running smoothly again.

Washing Machine Leaves Lint On Clothes: How To Clean 

Even if you clean your dryer’s lint trap regularly, your clothing may still return from the washing machine leaves lint on clothes. The lint trap is most likely clogged if you have an old appliance. You must start removing the lint from the trap to maintain the garments fuzz-free and smelling great. Lint traps are no longer used in high-efficiency washers; instead, self-cleaning pump filters remove the lint.

If you have the latter, you have to run one empty washing process once a month to clear any excess lint in the pump filter. What you’ll require:

washing machine leaves lint on clothes

– Tools and equipment: a small brush

– Supplies: paper towels, dishwashing liquid, warm water

When should you clean the lint trap? To keep the machine running smoothly and limit the lint that accumulates on your clothes, clean the lint filter in your washer at least once a quarter per year. Below are some steps to clean removable lint traps:

Locate The Filter

The location of the lint filter in your washer can be found in your owner’s operation or service handbook. Check out these places should you need to go on a hunt:

– The top of the washer tub’s rim: Slide your fingertips along the top of the washing drum to see if there’s a screen to remove or if there’s a lot of lint.

– Near the central agitator’s top: Frequently, the top can be unhooked and cleaned. If your agitation cover is removable, look at the bottom of the tub where it connects. The top of the middle agitator unscrews, allowing cleaning in some variants.

– Near the pump or the drainage hose’s end: The exterior housing of a conventional top load washer must be removed to reach the water pump filter. A drain line’s filter is situated where the hose connects to the washing housing.

Remove The Filter And Soak It

If the display is removable, soak it for 10 minutes in a sink filled with hot water or liquid dishwashing detergent before restoring it. The hot water solution will help any detergent and fabric softener residues that clog the drain. If the filter isn’t detachable, wipe the lint using a tiny brush or paper towel. Once the filter is clean, check to see any blockages in the drain hose.

washing machine leaves lint on clothes

Use a plunger or a plumber’s snake to clear the clog if there are. If your washing machine still leaves lint on clothes after taking these steps, then it’s time to call a repairer.

Cleaning The Filter

The lint filter is usually made of mesh and can be cleaned using hot, soapy water. If your filter is particularly dirty, soak it in vinegar for 30 minutes to loosen any stubborn buildup. Rinse the filter thoroughly before putting it back in place. If you notice that your clothes are still coming out of the wash with lint on them, it’s possible that the lint trap is not the only thing that needs to be cleaned.

Try cleaning the following parts of your washing machine:

The drum: Over time, detergent and dirt can build up inside the washing machine drum, leaving lint on your clothes. To clean the drum, first, remove any clothing or laundry. Then, add a half cup of baking soda to a gallon of hot water and use this solution to scrub the inside of the drum.

The agitator: The agitator is the part of the washing machine that moves the clothes around during the wash cycle. If it’s not moving correctly, it can cause lint to build upon your clothes. First, unplug the washing machine and remove any clothing or laundry to clean the agitator. Then, use a soft brush to remove any dirt or debris from the agitator.

The hoses: The hoses that connect the washing machine to the water supply can become clogged with lint over time. To clean the hoses, first, disconnect them from the washing machine. Then, flush the hoses with hot water to remove any lint inside.

Regular maintenance of your washing machine will help keep it running correctly and prevent lint from building up on your clothes. Be sure to clean the lint filter after every load of laundry and clean the other parts of the machine every month.

Clean The Location Of The Filter

washing machine leaves lint on clothes

Clean up the filter’s area with paper towels and a small brush, eliminating any gunk from the machine’s interior. Make sure to go inside the cracks. Reach under the washer’s lip to do this. Next, remove the filter from its housing. If your model has a flat, mesh-like surface, wipe it down with a paper towel.

If your model has a round, plastic surface with small holes, hold it under running water and scrub it with a toothbrush. Replace the filter and screw it in clockwise until tight. If the lint problem persists, something might block the filter itself. Detach the hoses from the back of the machine and check for any blockages.

Use a wire clothes hanger to remove any foreign objects from the hoses. Reconnect the hoses and screw them in place.

Get The Filter Back

Before performing another load of laundry, replace the filter in its original placement. Over time, the filter can become full of lint and other debris, which can be transferred to your clothing. Regularly clean out the filter and replace it as needed to prevent this from happening. The filter is usually located near the water spigot if you have a top-loading washing machine.

Wash A Load Of Laundry On The Hot Cycle

Add a cup of bleach to the detergent compartment to sanitize the tub. If your washing machine doesn’t have a bleach dispenser, pour the bleach into the washer tub before adding clothes. After cleaning the device and its surroundings, do a hot wash with no clothes to clean out the interior. Wash your clothes on the scalding water setting to remove any remaining residue and bacteria.

Add a colour-safe bleach to the wash if you’re concerned about brightening your clothes. Finish by washing a second time on the hottest water setting with no detergent or bleach. This will remove any remaining residue in the washing machine.

washing machine leaves lint on clothes

Cleaning A Water Pump Filter

Newer front-loading and top-loading standards plus high-efficiency washers claim to be self-cleaning, which do not include a removable, quickly cleaned lint filter. However, since they use so little water, it’s good to run the cleaning cycle once a month to remove the lint. The cleaning process also disinfects your machine and helps manage odours.

Your water pump’s filter may be clogged if you still notice lint. The liquid from the washing and rinse cycle drains too slowly, leaving deposits on your garments due to the suspended soil and lint. Cleaning the pump filter regularly might help your washer perform better.

Debris In The Water Pump Filter Must Be Removed

The water pump filters on most top load washers have a little door towards the bottom that may be opened to clear any lint and debris. To reach the pump filters from the rear of the machine, top-load washers and regular top-load washers usually need to remove the outer housing. There could be a lot of lint, buttons, coins, or even a sock clogging the drain and putting lint on the clothes.

The water pump filters on most top load washers have a little door towards the bottom that may be opened to clear any lint and debris. To reach the pump filters from the rear of the machine, top-load washers and regular top-load washers usually need to remove the outer housing. There could be a lot of lint, buttons, coins, or even a sock clogging the drain and putting lint on the clothes.

Regularly cleaning the pump filter will allow water to pass out more quickly, removing suspended lint and preventing it from re-depositing on your garments. If your top load washer leaves lint on your clothes, the first step is to check and clean the water pump filter. If your machine does not have a small door to access the pump filter, you may need to remove the outer housing of the device to reach it.

This is usually done by unscrewing a few screws on the back of the machine. Once you have removed the housing, you can access the pump filter and clean it out. Be sure to put the housing back on securely before using the machine again.

washing machine leaves lint on clothes

Drain Line Filter Cleaning

Remove the drain hose from the washer’s back. To collect any drips, keep an old towel handle handy. Before reconnecting the drainpipe, remove the filters and thoroughly clean them.

Septic Tank System Inspection

Lint is washed out of the washing and into your tank if your washer is linked to a septic tank. Synthetic fibres are difficult to break down and accumulate until they become an issue. This problem can be avoided by using external lint filters linked to the washer. Remember to wash these regularly to prevent lint from getting back on your clothes.

Washing Machine Leaves Lint On Clothes: How To Remove

If you’ve cleaned something full of lint, start by rewashing it (without detergent) and rinsing it with one glass of distilled white vinegar and perhaps a liquid fabric softener. The washing motion will help disperse the lint, or the vinegar will help release the lint from the fabric by relaxing the fibres. Place the garment in a dryer with a pair of microfiber towels and tumble till slightly damp (the lint will attach to the microfiber cloths).

Remove the clothing from the machine and remove any residual lint with clothes brushing or a sticky lint roller. If you don’t have a sticky lint roller, peel the lint off with heavy-duty packaging tape wrapped around your fingers. If you do not have time to rewash, use an anti-static spray or a lint roller and perhaps a dried cellulose sponge to brush the clothing. The same techniques can remove dog and cat fur from clothing.

Use the upholstery attachment on your vacuum to remove lint or dog hair from the upholstery. Spray an anti-static spray on the fabric next. A microfiber towel, cellulose sponge, and rubber squeegee can be used to clean the upholstery. Vacuum again, then use a sticky lint roller to finish.

washing machine leaves lint on clothes

Sort Laundry To Avoid Too Much Lint

The way you sort your laundry is the first step toward preventing excessive lint. Some textiles drop lint, while others attract it, and the pair should never be laundered together. Lint shedders should, of course, be sorted by colour.

Lint Shedders

– Fabrics and clothing made of cotton

– Towels, robes, or shirts made of terry cloth

– Chenille bedspreads 

– Rugs

Lint Attractors

– Linens and clothes made of linen

– Artificial or synthetic fibres

– Knitted goods

– Plush textiles like corduroy and others

Lint In The Washing Machine Means Lint On The Clothes

If a garment is already covered in lint or pet hair, dry it on the air-only mode with a dryer pad to eliminate as much cotton as possible before washing. Before starting an air cycle, make sure that the dryer lint filter is clean—wash items inside out to prevent dust from accumulating outside. If you have a lint-covered garment (a white shirt put under a black sweater, for example), wash it right side out to lift the lint from the fabric.

washing machine leaves lint on clothes

Make sure you don’t overload your washer when loading it. Water must freely flow between materials for lint suspended in the water to be cleaned away. Lint can redeposit due to overcrowding. A fabric softener added to the last rinse can assist the fibres in loosening and releasing lint, allowing it to be rinsed away. You can use distilled white vinegar, DIY fabric softener, or commercial fabric softener.

Lint filters in older washers should be cleaned regularly. Self-cleaning lint filters are now standard in today’s washers, and they’re typically found behind the agitator in top-loaders and behind the tub in front-loaders. It’s commonly seen on the tub’s side or upper rim.

While self-cleaning may sound appealing, it also implies that lint and hairs can become trapped if not thoroughly washed out of the machine. It’s an excellent way to leave a cleaning cycle once a month to eliminate the lint. Excessive lint on garments after washing could suggest a clogged water pump filter. The suspended lint in the washing and rinse water drains too slowly, leaving deposits on dirty clothes.

Open the exterior casing of your washer to clean its pump filter. The lower panel of front-load washers will easily snap off, allowing you to reach the clean-out filter. To access the pump on a top-loading washer, follow the recommendations in the manual. There could be a lot of lint, buttons, or a sock clogging the drain and putting lint on the clothes.

Synthetic fibres are difficult to break down and accumulate until they become an issue. This problem can be avoided by using external lint filters linked to the washer. The lint gets rinsed out of the machine and into your septic tank if your device is connected to one. Remember to clean it regularly to avoid lint getting back on your clothes.

Washing Machine Leaves Lint On Clothes: FAQs

What can I do to prevent the washing machine leaves lint on clothes from happening?

There are a few things you can do to prevent your washing machine from leaving lint on your clothes:

– Ensure that the lint filter in your washing machine is clean and free of debris.

– Avoid overloading your washing machine, as this can cause clothes to become tangled and increase the amount of lint produced.

– Use a gentle cycle setting when washing delicate items.

– Choose a laundry detergent that is designed to reduce lint.

What are the consequences of having lint on my clothes?

Lint on your clothes can cause them to feel uncomfortable and itchy, and it can also be challenging to remove. If lint buildup is severe, it can even damage your clothes.

How often should I clean my washing machine to prevent lint build-up?

It is good to clean your washing machine every month or more if you notice that lint is starting to build up. You can clean your washing machine by running it on an empty cycle with hot water and vinegar.

What are some tips for removing lint from my clothes after being washed? 

If you find that your clothes have lint on them after they’ve been washed, there are a few things you can do to remove it:

– Use a lint roller or tape to remove the lint from your clothes.

– Soak your clothes in vinegar for 15 minutes, then rewash them.

The washing machine leaves lint on clothes – is it normal?

Yes, it is normal for a washing machine to produce some lint when clothes are washed. However, if you notice that your washing machine has excessive lint, it may be time to clean it.


The washing machine leaves lint on clothes to prevent them from becoming tangled. While it is normal for a washing machine to produce some lint, it may be time to clean if you notice that your device leaves excessive amounts of lint on your clothes. You can do several things to prevent your washing machine from leaving lint on your clothes, including cleaning the lint filter and avoiding overloading the machine.

If you find that your clothes have lint on them after being washed, you can do a few things to remove it, such as using a lint roller or soaking your clothes in vinegar.

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